Thursday, November 17, 2011

This pregnancy

It took us a long time to tell people we were pregnant this time around.  We had some scares early during this pregnancy.  I had bleeding at 6 weeks for a couple of days and then again at 8 weeks.  So we were very hesitant to tell people we were pregnant, but when you start to show at 8 weeks and are only going to get bigger you just can't help it.  You don't know how many people that have came up to me and asked if I was pregnant.  First, you do not ask a woman if they are pregnant unless you are 100% sure lol.  This time around I will see a regular OB in Defiance and also a maternal fetal medicine (MFM) doctor in Toledo.  As I said before I had some bleeding at 6 weeks.  The doctor scheduled an ultrasound to check on the baby and just to reassure us, and we did get to see our little peanut and hear the heartbeat for the first time...the best sound in the world.

This is the baby at 7 weeks.

We went to the MFM doctor in Toledo when I was 13 weeks pregnant.  We have met this doctor before.  See when Rylee had passed we decided to not get an autopsy done on her since there was an umbilical cord accident.  So 2 months after Rylee we went to the MFM doctor to get the results back from the placenta (they sent that off to get checked).  They found blood clots on the placenta so I had to get test for blood clotting disorders and then they tested Eric and I for any genetic disorders.  We went back a couple weeks later and found out that all the test came back normal.  It was a good sign, but at that time we both wanted to find a reason for why this happened.

Anyways back to the doctor appointment at 13 weeks.  This office is very busy and usually never on time.  Our appoinment was at 12:30 and we did not go back until 1:20.  We were then sitting in the room and a lady came in and asked if I was ready for my ultrasound.  WHAT?!?  We had no clue we were getting one.  So we went back and explained she would be doing the 1st trimester screening and checking the heart, kidneys, cord, etc.  Well she then looked at us and told us the baby was measuring 10 days bigger than where I am suppose to be, which meant no 1st trimester screening (which screens for Downs, Spina Bifida, etc.)  They baby was very active during the entire ultrasound.  She finished and said she would be back after she wrote up her report.  She came back 20 minutes later and said she talked to the doctor and everything looked good and he said we were free to go.  WHAT?!? we aren't going to see the this good news or bad news?  We took it as good news because he said everything looked good and there was nothing of concern.  Before we left she asked me to lay down again to see if she could get a good picture for us.  Well the baby wanted nothing to do with getting it's picture taken.  Our little baby would not roll over to get a shot of it's face.  She tried and tried to get the baby to roll over, but she had no success it just kept moving up and down so here is a picture of the baby's..........BACK at 13 weeks :)

Today I am thankful for being pregant.

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