Tuesday, April 3, 2012

35 week checkup

We went back to the MFM doctor and this time they did a full ultrasound with measuring everything even a growth check.  Well our fluid had decreased, but as still in the normal range and everything else looked good.  He weighed in at 6 lbs 3 oz.

Today I am thankful for being pregnant...36 weeks

34 week checkup

Our 34 week checkup was 2 weeks ago…I know I’m little behind.  Anyways we went to the MFM doctor and they did an ultrasound which measured his movements, fluid, umbilical cord flow, and they watched him practice breathing.  Well the doctor came in and told us the my fluid had increased from 16 to 19.2 and wanted to keep an eye on it.  He said that there could be many reasons why it increased, but I was still in the normal range.  Anything over 20 is considered high.  He said that they just wanted to keep an extra eye on the fluid and did not want it to increase. He has also told us that he would like me to deliver at 37 weeks.

Today I am thankful for being pregnant...36 weeks